By:  Manar Sarsour

Alhamdullah, the Muslim Girl Scouts have been busy these last few weeks with different learning experiences. The Juniors got very creative with writing individual opinionated essays then all contributed with writing a group fictional story. They even made their own percussion instruments using balloons, cups, rubber bands, beads, and other household objects. All the girls had an opportunity to go camping with other Girl Scouts in the area and had an amazing time learning archery, tie-dying, candle-making, and more! 

The Girl Scouts also participated in the Breast Cancer Walk hosted by Making Strides at Wiregrass Mall this year. The Girl Scout founder, Juliette Gordon Low, had breast cancer so it was great to see these girls make a huge presence at the walk to support breast cancer awareness.

 The Daisies and Brownies are finished with their 1st Journey Badges. The Daisies have been learning about composting and gardening. The Brownies have been working on S.T.E.M. activities, working in teams and learning about building structures and performing science experiments. The Cadettes and Juniors worked together to learn about a healthy lifestyle and did a fitness activity together. 

 We had a guest speaker, Sr. Ameena Khan- a teacher and a local artist that came to give the girls an art lesson. The beautiful artistic work from these girls was fantastic. They all had a great time learning a new way to express themselves by drawing.

 Masha’Allah we are very proud of these girls and insha'Allah this program will provide them with an amazing experience.

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