By:  Magda Elkadi Saleh

On October 18, Radiant Hands addressed over 100 attendees at the New Tampa Masjid Community Forum about the Muslim Refugee Crisis in Tampa Bay.  The Forum was planned after many people started asking questions about the “Refugee Crisis,” and how they could help.

Sr. Magda Elkadi Saleh, President of Radiant Hands, along with Br. Bilal Saleh, representing the Masjid, and Ms. Amira Salama, representing Coptic Orthodox Charities, helped clarify to the attendees:  the nature of the crisis, how the community has been addressing it, the role that Radiant Hands would play, and the role that the sponsoring agencies play in resettling and integrating the refugees into the community.  Br. Adeel Karim also addressed the attendees on the technology structure that would help support Radiant Hands’ and the communities’ efforts. 

Since the date of the forum, Radiant Hands, with the assistance and support of many generous donors and volunteers, and in partnership with the local masaajid, has been working diligently to provide much-needed services to the refugees:  Transportation; Counseling; Referrals to Physicians; Food and Monetary Assistance; Drivers Ed; Resume-Writing and Job Training and Placement; and Donations of Furniture, Clothing and Household Goods.

The refugee populations are very diverse and come from Somalia, Sudan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Burma and Pakistan, among other countries.

To stay abreast of the needs of the refugees and of Radiant Hands’ activities, join the Tampa Bay Cares group on  Facebook.  To contact Radiant Hands, please email or call 813-983-1700.  You can also visit the Radiant Hands web-site:​ 

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